What is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme and How to Join the Scheme in England?

I’ve lived in the UK for decades, I’m not from here but I moved to England in 1997 and since then I haven’t left here except on tourist trips. England is a great country to live in and is increasingly developed, especially when it comes to clean and sustainable energy, and these days I was surprised by a new sustainable energy that is the boiler upgrade scheme.But for those who don’t know about this new energy system, what is the boiler upgrade scheme or BUS in a simplified way? The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) supports the decarbonization of heat in buildings. Provides seed capital grants to support the installation of heat pumps and biomass boilers in residential and non-domestic buildings in England and Wales. The BUS has been making England’s energy cleaner and safer, becoming an example for all countries in the world, whether developed or developing.But who can become a signatory to the boiler upgrade scheme?It is open to homeowners as well as small property owners in England and Wales only. To apply, you will need: Owning your property (can be a home or small business).Having a property with an installed capacity of up to 45kWth (this covers most homes).Have a valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). Your EPC should not have outstanding recommendations for insulating loft or cavity walls (unless you have an insulation exemption). And when will the scheme begin? The scheme runs from 2022 to 2025. Low carbon heating systems that are commissioned (i.e. installed and fully verified by their installer) on or after 1 April 2022 will be eligible for funding under the scheme. However, orders and payments can only be made from May 23, 2022, at the earliest. The new heating system must also be able to meet all of your property’s space heating and hot water requirements and meet certain technical standards such as minimum efficiency requirements. Your installer can advise you on this. Knowing all this, anyone interested can join the BUS scheme.